2012年3月28日 星期三



2 則留言:

  1. Though said “simple”, employing the latest handy software tools provided in the cloud makes everything we need to build a website simple in operation, but complicated in the aspect of fanciness. In which, the product done by the students shall be highly appreciated and treasured by the public. Such a learning approach is somewhat different from that of the IT majors who have to learn more on the IT techniques and skills, but the former (non-IT) students would concentrate more on “content management”, another trendy concept in the 21st century IT development.

  2. We are building an “Interactive Webpage” using blog,
    so you have to update your site’s content whenever necessary.
    And, the purpose of building a site is for public viewing,
    so you have to let as many as your classmates joining your site to extend your network.
    “Web crawling” was the term use some 15 years ago when search engine was developed.
